Friday, October 23, 2015

The Start of My Journey With Silkworms

Couldn't believe the silkworm eggs arrived in the post!
A couple of days and they started to emerge from their little egg casing.
This is a macro photo.  In actual size the little silkworm looks like a 2-3mm pencil line, 
the eggs are the size of a pinhead.  
I initially wanted 50 eggs, ended up with 178! Almost 100% hatched.
The plastic bag was opened for air and a young mulberry leaf put inside.  The baby silkworms immediately made their way to the leaf.  Their little jaws need the young leaves as they can't manage older tougher leaves.

Photographs: M. Vaughan


  1. wow! never knew silkworms could be so awesome and beautiful! saw your blog thru gumtree btw, do you ship silkworm eggs to the philippines? I can't wait to start my own silkworm journey as well!
    thank you and more power! :)

    1. It's great you enjoy the Blog. Thank you! Unfortunately, unable to send silkworms or eggs internationally. Perhaps you can access them in your own country?
